If you know that you're going to be unavailable on the day the court has set for your 341 meeting, you'll want to get in touch with your trustee as soon as possible. Only the trustee can change the date and time of a 341 meeting. In some cases, they may even be willing to waive an appearance, though this is rare and usually only possible in extraordinary circumstances.
You should know that having to work during the time that your 341 meeting is set for is not generally an acceptable excuse to change the date and time. If you work in a typical 8 - 5, Monday - Friday job, there's no way to set a 341 meeting that won't take place during work hours.
If your meeting is taking place in person, then having to be out of town or out of state for something that you can't reschedule can be enough to get the 341 meeting continued (postponed) to another date. But, almost all 341 meetings are taking place via telephone or video conference at the moment. So, "showing up" is likely possible even if you're not in town. Assuming nothing important is going during the time set for your 341 meeting, plan on attending, no matter where you are. As long as you have a decent internet connection and a quiet room to hang out in while you're doing it, there's no reason for the trustee to reschedule your meeting.
Of course, it's not always that simple. Here's a list of some reasons that may persuade the trustee to reschedule your meeting:
- You're scheduled for a medical procedure on the date of your meeting
- You're otherwise medically impaired and therefore not able to participate
- You're required to be in court, a wedding, a funeral, work training or something else that can't be moved
Keep in mind, though, that rescheduling your 341 meeting will necessarily cause your case to take longer than if it's not rescheduled. So, if at all possible try to plan on attending the meeting as scheduled. And make sure to mark the date and time of the meeting on your calendar and anywhere else you can think of to make sure you don't miss it. If you miss the meeting - for whatever reason - the trustee can dismiss your case.
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