If you need to update any of the information contained in your bankruptcy forms after filing your case with the court, you have to file an amendment. You can learn more about amending your forms here.
Per the Colorado Bankruptcy Court’s Local Rules, you also have to file Local Bankruptcy Form (LBF) 1009-1.1 with the court whenever an amendment is filed. The form provides the court and all interested parties with an overview of the information that has been changed by your amendment.
Where can I get Local Bankruptcy Form 1009-1.1?
You can get a copy of LBF 1009-1.1 in both PDF and Word formats directly from the court’s website. You’ll find all of the information you need to fill out this form on your original and amended forms.
What you should do after submitting your amendment to the court
Once your amendment, including LBF 1009-1.1 have been submitted to the court, make sure you send a copy of both the amendment and LBF 1009-1.1 to your case trustee and any creditor affected by the amendment. You don’t have to send a copy to the Office of the United States Trustee unless specifically instructed otherwise by court staff.
If your amendment adds one or more creditors to your case, make sure you include a certificate of service along with your notice of amendment and mail a copy of the following documents to the newly added creditor(s):
- amended schedule(s),
- LBF 1009-1.1,
- Form 309A
- If there is one, a copy of the notice letting creditors know to file claims in your case because the trustee expects to make a distribution to creditors.
Since there is a bit more to adding a creditor than just amending your Schedule D and E/F, make sure to follow these instructions and any instructions you may get from the clerk’s office as you go through the process.
If you’re an Upsolve user, you can prepare your amendments using our case editor by logging into your my.upsolve.org account. Unfortunately, at this time our software is unable to prepare LBF 1009-1.1 for you. If you have any questions about updating your bankruptcy forms, please don’t hesitate to reach out by submitting a request in our Help Center.
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