If you are having trouble logging in you can try the following steps.
1. Refresh your page or clear your cache and try logging in again.
2. Try logging in using a different browser. We recommend Chrome!
3. Try using Chrome incognito. Open a Chrome incognito window and try logging in. (Sometimes your browser may not automatically recognize that we recently updated our system! Using incognito will clear old data and allow you to access our most recent updates.)
If steps 1-3 do not work, try resetting your password using the “Forgot Password” link at the login screen while using the Chrome browser in incognito mode. Make sure to check your spam folder to see if the reset email was sent there!
If you continue to have any issues let us know through upsolve.org/contact/ If possible, send us screenshots or photos of your screen that include the URL so we can better diagnose the issue.
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