Special Instructions - SCH C to be served on all creditors | Special Form Notice when adding creditors | Local form for Certificate of Service.
Dear Upsolver!
Even though bankruptcy laws and rules are federal and the same everywhere in the United States, each bankruptcy district has its own local rules and local forms. Upsolve’s tool meets all federal requirements but does not yet account for the more than 90 variations due to local rules.
While we work on automating that part of the process, we’ve developed a series of location specific guides to assist you in making sure the amendment process goes smoothly. Be sure to follow the instructions in this guide carefully.
The amendment packet you generated through Upsolve includes the following:
- Amendment Coversheet with Certificate of Service
- Your amended bankruptcy forms, including signature pages and, if necessary, updated Official Form 106Sum.
Here is what you need to do to make sure you meet the requirements for the Southern District of Florida, where your case is pending:
Your district does not require a specific coversheet, you may use the coversheet provided by Upsolve or submit your amendment without a cover sheet.
Notice Requirements
No matter which form you’re updating, make sure to send a copy of the amendment to your case trustee.
Are you amending Schedule C - Exemptions?
If you’re adding a new asset to your list of exempt assets on Schedule C, this district’s local rules require you to send a copy of the amendment to all creditors in addition to sending the amendment to your trustee.
Are you amending Schedules D, E/F, G, or H or updating a creditor’s address?
The Southern District of Florida requires that you file a separate notice form when amending your creditor schedules. This form can be found here. Make sure to send the notice, along with a full copy of the amendment to the creditor(s) you’re adding or updating in addition to sending one to your case trustee.
Certificate of Service
Your district requires you to use a specific form (LF-4) for this purpose. This form may be found here. You can also download the form as a .doc file from the court’s local forms page (link below).
Updating your Creditor Matrix
When adding a creditor, submit only a supplemental creditor matrix showing only the newly added creditor(s) to the court.
You can download your full matrix as a .txt. file from your my.upsolve account. The easiest way to create a supplemental matrix is by going back to the case editor and downloading your matrix as a .txt file. From there, you can easily delete all creditors except for the newly added/updated one(s).
Verification of your Creditor Matrix
This is basically a signature page to add to your creditor matrix. The Upsolve generator will create this document for you in a format acceptable to the court in your district.
Link to court website | Link to local rules | Link to local forms |
If you get conflicting information from your local bankruptcy court, follow their instructions. We do our best to keep these guides up to date, but your local bankruptcy court is the final authority on their process.
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